Dashboard Widgets

Modified on Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 11:10 AM

Widgets are customizable windows that can be added to your dashboards.

Clicking the edit button at the bottom right of a dashboard (the icon of a pencil and squares) will enable "edit mode," which lets you customize your widgets.

You can add, delete, move, and resize widgets within the current dashboard. 

When you are finished editing, click the "Save" button at the bottom right of the screen to save your changes.

To add a widget, click the edit button, then scroll to the bottom of the page to see the list of widgets. Drag and drop the widget you want onto your dashboard. You can even add multiple copies of the same widget to a dashboard.

To delete a widget, click the edit button, then click the red X icon in the middle of the widget.

To move a widget, click the edit button, then drag and drop the widget wherever you wish to move it on the current dashboard. A shadow will appear on the dashboard to show where the widget will end up once you release the mouse button.

To resize a widget, click the edit button, then hover the mouse over the edge of the widget. The cursor should change to an arrow. Click and hold, dragging the cursor inwards or outwards to make the widget smaller or larger. A shadow will appear on the dashboard to show the size the widget will end up when you release the mouse button.

List of Widgets

PEAK 4.0 currently has three widgets that can be added to dashboards:

1. Ascent Blog

This is a feed that shows recent posts from Ascent's blog, also visible on our website. Each post will have a link at the bottom that will take you to that post on the main Ascent website.

2. Shipments Groups

This widget closely resembles the Status Board from APT. It is a list of orders that can be filtered and sorted as needed, showing a brief summary of information about each order. Click the Order ID to open an order and see more detailed information about it.

3. Order Options

This widget shows a list of orders that have not been awarded, along with a summary of the available options for them. Click the dark bar containing the order number to expand the list of options for that order. Click the order number to open the order and see more detailed information.

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