Difference Between "Order" and "Shipment"

Modified on Tue, 27 Jun 2023 at 11:23 AM

Order vs. Shipment


An "order" is the entire freight movement, including all pickup or delivery stops, all legs, and all modes of transportation used to move the freight from start to finish.

A "shipment" is a piece of that movement; one mode, leg, or provider.

An order could consist of only one shipment, or one order could contain multiple shipments. For example, a charter order could have three shipments within it - one ground move to take the freight from shipper to origin airport, one air move to fly the freight from origin airport to destination airport, and a second ground move to take the freight from the destination airport to delivery.

Order ID vs. Shipment ID


The "Order ID" is a randomized alphanumeric identifier for an individual order. They are not sequential in order to prevent anyone being able to guess them. The "Shipment ID" is carried over from the previous APT system; currently, all orders created in PEAK 4.0 will have an associated Shipment ID that is used to look them up in APT. Once operations are fully migrated to PEAK 4.0, the Shipment ID numbers will go away.

In an order in PEAK 4.0, you will see the Order ID and Shipment ID (labeled "Legacy PEAK ID") on the Order Detail tab:

In a shipment in APT, you will see the Shipment ID and Order ID (labeled "PEAK 4.0 Order ID") in the top left corner of the blue summary ribbon at the top of the shipment:

Entering an Order vs. Entering a Shipment


Entering an order is simple; click the "Order Entry" tab at the top of the PEAK 4.0 window to see your list of drafts, then click the "New Order" button to start entering one from scratch.

Once an order has been entered, PEAK 4.0 will automatically divide the stops into separate shipments under the same Order ID.

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