Managing Your Subscriptions

Modified on Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 01:22 PM

What are Subscriptions?

Subscriptions are similar to email alerts for orders, but they can be set for events involving your user profile, such as changes to your profile settings.

Finding Your Subscription Settings

To find your subscriptions, click on the three vertical dots at the top right corner of the PEAK 4.0 window. Then, select your name to view your user profile.

From your user profile, click on "Subscriptions" to view your subscription settings.

Sorting and Filtering the Subscription List

When viewing your subscriptions, you will see a list of events, the "group" (category that even falls under, such as events relating to your user profile, events relating to orders, etc.), and whether that even will trigger an email or not. The list of subscriptions can be sorted by each of these columns.

Above the list of subscriptions you will see a dropdown menu, set to "All" by default.

This will filter the subscription list by group. Clicking the dropdown will show a list of options corresponding to the various groups that the PEAK subscriptions fall under.

Selecting an option will filter the subscription list so you will only see subscriptions of that group. For example, selecting "Dashboard" will only show events relating to dashboards within PEAK 4.0.

Enabling and Disabling Subscriptions

For each event, clicking the slider under the "Email" column will toggle the subscription for that event between on and off. When the slider is set to on, you will receive an email every time that event occurs. When set to off, you will not receive emails.

Events can be toggled individually or as a group: Above the list to the right is a slider labeled "Notifications On" or "Notifications Off".

When set to on, each event will follow its individual setting to send an email or not. When this slider is set to off, it will disable all subscription emails without affecting their actual setting. For example, if you have enabled emails for when orders are added, that slider will stay set to on, even if you set all notifications to off. But because all notifications are off, you will not receive emails when orders are added.

While this slider is set to off, individual event settings cannot be changed. Note in the below screenshot that the sliders retain their on or off settings, but are greyed out and not interactable.

Lastly, just above this slider is a link labeled "Clear all subscriptions".

This will set all events to off, which will disable all email subscriptions for your profile, but requiring you to manually set them back to on if you decide you want to re-enable emails in the future.

Clicking the link will open a dialogue window asking you to confirm, so it cannot be done by accident. To clear all your subscriptions, click the "Confirm" button.

Adding and Removing Email Addresses

By default, all subscriptions will send emails to the email address in your user settings. However, you can add email addresses on an individual event basis by clicking the three horizontal dots at the right of an event.

After clicking the three dots, you will see two options: "Add Email" and "Delete Email".

"Add Email" will let you add additional email addresses to receive notifications for this specific event. "Delete Email" will let you remove email addresses from this specific event, including the email address for your user profile, if desired.

Clicking "Add Email" will open a dialogue window where one or more additional email addresses can be added.

Clicking the plus and minus buttons will add or remove fields for more email addresses as needed. Once you have entered all the address you wish to add, click "Save". You will then get a notification at the bottom of the screen instructing you to verify the email address(es) you have added to receive notifications to them:

To verify an email address, click the three dots next to the event. You will now see a third option: "Verify Email".

Click "Verify Email" and a dialogue window will pop up asking you to select the email address to be verified. Check the box next to the email address and click "Send".

You should receive the verification email shortly. It will contain a link that must be clicked to complete the verification process.

Clicking the link will open a new tab in your browser to confirm that the new email address has now been verified. Note that you will only need to verify an email address once, even if you add it to multiple events.

To remove an email address from an event, again click the three dots next to it. Select "Delete Email".

This will open a dialogue window asking you to choose which email address(es) to remove from the event. Check the box next to each address you want to remove, then click "Delete".

List of Subscription Events

Here are all of the events for which you can enable email notifications, and a brief explanation of each, listed by group.

Customer Events

Customer Contact Added: A contact was added to a customer profile which your user profile is linked to.

Customer Contact Deleted: A contact was removed from a customer profile which your user profile is linked to.

Dashboard Events

User Dashboard Deleted: A dashboard was deleted from your user profile.

Order and Shipment Events

*Note that these events will apply to all of your orders, without needing to be added to each order individually.

Order Note Added to Shipment: A note was added to a shipment in one of your orders.

Order Note Updated: A note was updated in a shipment in one of your orders.

Circuit Request Added: One of your orders was updated and that update needs to be transferred to APT, or from APT to PEAK 4.0.

Circuit Request Updated: An update on one of your orders was transferred from APT to PEAK, or from PEAK to APT.

Option Accepted: A carrier's bid was awarded on one of your orders.

Option Added: A carrier placed a bid on one of your orders.

Option Unaccepted: A bid was unawarded on one of your orders.

Order Auth Number Updated: The authorization number on one of your orders was changed.

Order Cancelled: One of your orders was cancelled.

Order Document Added: A document was uploaded to one of your orders.

Order Document Deleted: A document was removed from one of your orders.

Order Document Updated: A document was updated in one of your orders.

Order Plan Added: A plan was added to one of your orders.

Order Plan Updated: A plan on one of your orders was updated.

Order Round Trip Added: A round trip was added to one of your orders.

Order Added: You have submitted an order.

Shipment Quote Added: A carrier bid on a shipment in one of your orders.

Shipment Added: A shipment was added to one of your orders.

Subscription Profile Events

Notifications Paused: You have disabled email subscriptions.

Notifications Unpaused: You have re-enabled email subscriptions.

Subscription Added: A new type of subscription has been added.

Subscription Profile Added: An email address has been added to receive subscriptions.

Subscription Updated: You have toggled an event subscription on or off.

User Profile Events

Allow Subscriptions Update: You have turned all subscriptions on or off.

Association Added: Your user profile has been associated with a new company profile.

Association Deleted: Your user profile has been removed from a company profile.

Use Profile Time Updated: You have turned the "use profile time" setting on or off (displays all times as the time zone set in your user profile).

Use System of Measure Updated: You have turned the "use profile system of measure" setting on or off (displays all units of measure as the system set in your user profile).

User Email Updated: You have updated your email address in your user profile.

User Language Updated: You have changed the default language in your user profile.

User System of Measure Updated: You have changed the default system of measurement in your user profile.

User Time Zone Updated: You have changed the default time zone in your user profile.

User's First Login: You have logged into PEAK 4.0 for the first time.

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